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Automating Build Process of c++ code using RTC and jenkins

I would like to know if we can automate the build, whenever a developer deliver changes and send him the build report.

I am looking for RTC commands which I can used in Jenkins. Till now, I am able to connect to RTC, load the stream and build locally through Jenkins.


  • Make sure to define a workspace on the target stream (the one where delivers occur)

    Then, as described in the JENKINS Team-Concert Plugin:

    • Find the "Build Triggers" section.
    • Check the "Poll SCM" check box to poll for incoming changes to the build workspace.
    • Enter a schedule. Click the help button beside the "Schedule" field to get help with the syntax.

    You can then check every 5 minutes of new change sets have been delivered, and trigger your Jenkins build that way (ie, polling for changes).

    For the mail part, Independently of RTC, You can use the JENKINS Email-ext plugin in order to send an email after each build.
    See for example "How to send Email at every build with Jenkins"

    You would receive an email with a link to the Jenkins job report page.