I want to change the direction of the side menu automatically when i change the language (rtl and ltr) i tried this code in the page app.html
<ion-menu [side]="isRtl?'right':'left'" [content]="content">
How can i change the value of 'isRtl' from another page or example "home.ts" ?
'isRtl' is declared in 'app.component.ts' any help guys ?
Use event emitor for cross component to transfer data between components
//Home component.ts
import { Events } from 'ionic-angular';
constructor(public events: Events) {
directioChange(user) {
this.events.publish('directiochanged', 'true');
constructor(public events: Events) {
events.subscribe('directiochanged', (direction) => {
this.isRtl = direction;console.log(direction);
not only from home component, you can set from anywhere in you project