I'm trying to get a create action to set up properly.
I keep getting an error: ArgumentError: Unknown keyword: topic
Here is the testing:
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe TopicsController, type: :controller do
let(:my_topic) { Topic.create!(name: RandomData.random_sentence, description: RandomData.random_paragraph)}
describe "POST create" do
it "increases the number of topics by 1" do
expect{ post :create, {topic: {name: RandomData.random_sentence, description: RandomData.random_paragraph}}}.to change(Topic,:count).by(1)
it "assigns Topic.last to @topic" do
post :create, { topic: {name: RandomData.random_sentence, description: RandomData.random_paragraph}}
expect(assigns(:topic)).to eq Topic.last
it "redirects to the new topic" do
post :create, {topic: {name: RandomData.random_sentence, description: RandomData.random_paragraph}}
expect(response).to redirect_to Topic.last
Here is the controller:
def create
@topic = Topic.new
@topic.name = params[:topic][:name]
@topic.description = params[:topic][:description]
@topic.public = params[:topic][:public]
if @topic.save
redirect_to @topic, notice: "Topic was saved successfully."
flash.now[:alert] = "Error creating topic. Please try again"
render :new
I'm trying to figure out what I'm missing that is causing this error I've been staring at it for hours and have tried to edit it multiple times to no avail. I can't figure it out. The rest of the project I've been working on has been okay however I cannot figure out why I can't get the word topic to convert successfully. Thanks for taking a look.
The problem is that the post
method takes keyword arguments as a second argument.
If you need to specify params
, the params
keyword should be used:
post :create, params: { topic: { name: ..., description: ... } }