I know there is IServiceCollection
interface where I can register my services and IServiceProvider
which can instantiate the services.
How do I instantiate a class, based on specified Type, which uses registered services?
class MyClass
public MyClass(ISomeService someService) { }
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ISomeService, SomeService>()
MyClass instance = CreateInstance(typeof(MyClass));
object CreateIntance(Type type)
For example, how does ASP.NET Core creates controller instances?
I've made naive implementation of the activator but isn't there something like this in .NET Core already?
private static object CreateInstance(Type type, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var ctor = type.GetConstructors()
.Where(c => c.IsPublic)
.OrderByDescending(c => c.GetParameters().Length)
?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"No suitable contructor found on type '{type}'");
var injectionServices = ctor.GetParameters()
.Select(p => serviceProvider.GetRequiredService(p.ParameterType))
return ctor.Invoke(injectionServices);
EDIT: this is my scenario. I've refactored some legacy code that implements this interface.
public interface IEventDispatcher
void RegisterHandler(Type handler);
void Dispatch(DomainEvent @event);
In the Dispatch method implementation I create instances of the handlers:
public class InMemoryBus : IEventDispatcher
private readonly List<Type> _handlers = new List<Type>();
private readonly Func<Type, object> activator;
/// <param name="activator">Used to create instance of message handlers</param>
public InMemoryBus(Func<Type, object> activator)
this.activator = activator;
public void Dispatch(DomainEvent @event)
Type messageType = message.GetType();
var openInterface = typeof(IHandleMessages<>);
var closedInterface = openInterface.MakeGenericType(messageType);
var handlersToNotify = from h in _handlers
where closedInterface.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(h.GetTypeInfo())
select h;
foreach (Type h in _handlersToNotify)
//this is the tricky part
var handlerInstance = activator(h);
.Invoke(handlerInstance, new[] { message });
public void RegisterHandler(Type type) => _handlers.Add(type);
https://stackoverflow.com/a/45756192/45091 is the right way to do things.
For example, how does ASP.NET Core creates controller instances?
If you don't want to register the services you can use what we refer to as "type activation". There's a type called ActivatorUtilities that has the helper method you want. You call ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(serviceProvider, type)
and it will activate that type with the specified service provider.