Is there a way to set a global database connection in a Rnotebook so you don't have to set the database connection for each SQL chunk?
Currently I have to set it as follows for each SQL chunk:
```{sql connection = my_connection}
select * from my_table
I would like to just be able to do the following:
select * from my_table
From Rmarkdown docs:
Setting a Default Connection
If you have many SQL chunks, it may be helpful to set a default for the connection chunk option in the setup chunk, so that it is not necessary to specify the connection on each individual chunk. You can do this as follows:
```{r setup} library(DBI) db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "sql.sqlite") knitr::opts_chunk$set(connection = "db") ```
So, in your example, set a hook with
```{r setup}
# insert your my_connection declaration here
knitr::opts_chunk$set(connection = "my_connection")
and put that chunk before all other chunks.