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writetable replace NaN with blanks in Matlab

Given a Matlab table that contains many NaN, how can I write this table as an excel or csv files where the NaN are replaced by blanks?

I use the following function:

T = table(NaN(5,2),'VariableNames',{'A','C'})

writetable(T, filename)

I do not want to replace it with zeros. I want that the output file:

  1. has blanks for NaN and
  2. that the variable names are included in the output.


  • You just need xlswrite for that. It replaces NaNs with blanks itself. Use table2cell or the combination of table2array and num2cell to convert your table to a cell array first. Use the VariableNames property of the table to retrieve the variable names and pad them with the cell array.

    data= [T.Properties.VariableNames; table2cell(T)];
    %or data= [T.Properties.VariableNames; num2cell(table2array(T))];

    Sample run for:

    T = table([1;2;3],[NaN; 410; 6],[31; NaN; 27],'VariableNames',{'One' 'Two' 'Three'})
    T =
      3×3 table
        One    Two    Three
        ___    ___    _____
        1      NaN     31  
        2      410    NaN  
        3        6     27  



    Although the above solution is simpler in my opinion but if you really want to use writetable then:

    tmp = table2cell(T);             %Converting the table to a cell array
    tmp(isnan(T.Variables)) = {[]};  %Replacing the NaN entries with []
    T = array2table(tmp,'VariableNames',T.Properties.VariableNames); %Converting back to table
    writetable(T,'output.csv');      %Writing to a csv file