I got the source code form opensource.samsung.com, and I compiled the kernel successfully.
I want to know that how do I use the kernel to build AOSP for my phone?
And the samsung kernel is based on Android 6.0.1, can I port Android 7.1.1 to my phone or Only Android 6.0.1?
You specify this
export TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL=$your_kernel_path/arch/arm/boot/zImage-dtb
and then you do :
make bootimage
this will generate you a boot.img in out/target/product/.../ that you can fastboot flash boot boot.img
You can try Android 6.0.1. Do you have Samsung patches to that A 6.0.1 ? You will need a serial connection to early boot console printouts and fix one by one errors that can occur.
Or try this: setup your own device with this: device/common/populate-new-device.sh