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BasicDBObjectBuilder not appending mutiple criteria for a single object

I am using Java driver for mongo-db and trying to add multiple query criteria using BasicDBObjectBuilder. I have a text field where an XML is stored as String so we are using regex to form the query.

Below is my query and the output I am getting:

.start("$regex", ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+MainValue+".*")
.add("$regex", ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>" + DetailValue+ ".*").get());
regexQuery.put("NAME", "Video");

What I am getting as query is :

{ "REQUEST_XML" : { "$regex" : ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>Change.*"} , "NAME" : "Video"}

The first part with .start("$regex", ".Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+MainValue+".") is not getting added to query.

Can you please let me know what is the issue ?


  • You are overwriting the key value pair. "$regex", ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>" + DetailValue+ ".*" overwrites "$regex", ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+MainValue+".*".

    Use $or to pass both regex expression.

    Something like

    BasicDBObject regexQuery = new BasicDBObject();
    regexQuery.put("$or", Arrays.asList(new BasicDBObject("REQUEST_XML", new BasicDBObject("$regex", ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+".*")),
                    new BasicDBObject("REQUEST_XML", new BasicDBObject("$regex", ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+".*"))));
    regexQuery.put("NAME", "Video");

    This should output query like

    { "$or" : [{ "REQUEST_XML" : { "$regex" : ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>.*" } }, { "REQUEST_XML" : { "$regex" : ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>.*" } }], "NAME" : "Video" }

    Using 3.x driver

    import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.or;
    import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.regex;
    Bson regexQuery = or(regex("REQUEST_XML", ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+".*"), regex("$regex", ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+".*"));