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Ranking of 1048 scores in Excel (From 1 to 0)

As shown in the example image below, I have several columns with results from a social network analysis software. I am now looking for a way to assign a ranking, going from "1" for the highest score to "0" for the lowest, in between 0.9XX - 0.001. (Separately for each column). The excel has 1048 row entries/ Unique values for each column.

E.g. In column Q the ranking for the values in column C and so on.

So in the end the ranks can be added to find the overall rank 1..

The idea is that the ranks have uniform steps ...

Help is highly appreciated. Thank you!

The Excel columns in question.


  • in column Q: =RANK.AVG(C2,C$2:C$1049)

    That will give you the rank.