How can i convert this kind of loops into list comprehension.
for x in email_data:
data = Apply_Filters(x[0])
if len(data.split()) > 1:
email_data2.append(tuple([x[1], data]))
So far my search got me to the comprehensions with only if else statements without performing any other functions like .
[y if y not in b else other_value for y in a]
But i first have to apply a function to a looping variable and then have to use conditional structure.
Any help would be appreciated.
Something like this might work:
[(x_1, data) for x_1, data in map(lambda x: (x[1], Apply_Filters(x[0])), email_data) if len(data.split()) > 1]
Trying to save rows such way is a terrible idea IMO.