I have a problem with passing class as a generic param of the method, f.e. I have a simple method:
<T> T sendRequest(SomeRestApiRequest request, Class<T> responseClass)
which parsing response to specified form. I use them in this way:
ItemListJSON itemList = new ItemListJSON();
itemList = someRestClient.sendRequest(req, ItemListJSON.class);
for ItemListJSON.class which look like that:
public class ItemListJSON {
private List<SalonJSON> items;
private int totalSize;
//...getters, setters...
and everything's fine. But my question is:
Is it possible to pass generic class as an argument of sendRequest method?
I want that ItemListJSON class is generic, in my case:
public class ItemListJSON<T> {
private List<T> items;
private int totalSize;
//...getters, setters...
But when I was trying use sendRequest method in this way:
ItemListJSON<SalonJSON> itemList = new ItemListJSON<SalonJSON>();
itemList = someRestClient.sendRequest(req, ItemListJSON.class);
I got warning on Eclipse IDE
Type safety: The expression of type ItemListJSON needs unchecked conversion to conform to ItemListJSON
and when method was called i got error in server console:
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to xxx.ServiceCategoryJSON] with root cause
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to xxx.ServiceCategoryJSON
I debbuged my sendRequest method and I found that error occurs in processResponse method, where is mapping response to object by ObjectMapper.
private <T> T processResponse(Response response, Class<T> responseClass) throws ParseException, IOException {
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
return om.readValue(response.getBody(), responseClass); //throw exception
You can do this that way by passing com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference
instead of Class<T>
public class GenericSerializationTest {
@Data //lombok
public static class ItemListJSON<T> {
private List<T> items;
@Data //lombok
public static class StructureExample {
private final String name;
private final Double price;
public static class Sender {
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
public <T> T sendRequest(String json, TypeReference typeReference) throws IOException {
//sender logic - in this case I assume that json is API response
return objectMapper.readValue(json, typeReference);
public void testMethod() throws IOException {
Sender sender = new Sender();
ItemListJSON<StructureExample> test = sender.sendRequest("{\"items\": [{\"name\":\"MacBook Pro\",\"price\":101.345}, {\"name\":\"MacMini\",\"price\":102.345}]}", new TypeReference<ItemListJSON<StructureExample>>() {});
assertEquals("Should contain only 2 items", 2, test.getItems().size());
assertEquals("Name of first item is not correct", "MacBook Pro", test.getItems().get(0).getName());
assertEquals("Name of second item is not correct", "MacMini", test.getItems().get(1).getName());