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GeoTools, Java: How to convert shapefile data from DOR to usable polygons with Latitude and Longitude coordinates

The shapefiles I'm concerned with can be found here, though I'm sure this could apply to any shapefile using coordinates based on state plane coordinates:

I'm currently using GeoTools, a java toolkit designed for reading in GIS shapefiles like these and displaying information about them. I am able to iterate through the file and display the polygons associated with each tax jurisdiction, but here's an example line of output:

Seattle|0.096|MULTIPOLYGON(((1157963.4622609913 862693.0463841558, 
1157982.575083658 862880.4607074857, 1158623.4100880772 
864826.6100303978, ... )))

Based on my research, these coordinates don't seem to line up with any of the typical coordinate systems. I'm expecting that they are derived from a coordinate system known as State Plane Coordinates, but currently don't seem to be in the right format even for those. I was hoping someone might know where these values come from and if there is a way to get GeoTools to output them in a more standardized Latitude/Longitude format.


  • I just downloaded the most recent shapefile from the site and put them into ArcGIS and it says the following:

    Data Type:  Shapefile Feature Class 
    Shapefile:  C:\Users\(...)\Downloads\Cities_17Q3\Cities_17Q3.shp
    Geometry Type:  Polygon
    Coordinates have Z values:  No 
    Coordinates have measures:  No 
    Projected Coordinate System:    NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Washington_South_FIPS_4602_Feet
    Projection: Lambert_Conformal_Conic
    False_Easting:  1640416,66666667
    False_Northing: 0,00000000
    Central_Meridian:   -120,50000000
    Standard_Parallel_1:    45,83333333
    Standard_Parallel_2:    47,33333333
    Latitude_Of_Origin: 45,33333333
    Linear Unit:    Foot_US
    Geographic Coordinate System:   GCS_North_American_1983_HARN
    Datum:  D_North_American_1983_HARN
    Prime Meridian:     Greenwich
    Angular Unit:   Degree

    Also, the polygon for seattle seems to visually line up:

    enter image description here

    This means that you are using the GCS_North_American_1983_HARN coordinate system with the Lambert_Conformal_Conic projection