I have been trying to find a way to remove an event listener. I made a function that will add an event listener to a button but if the function runs again I want the event listener to be removed and added again. But instead it will just add another event listener and when I click on the button it will run the event listener function twice. Or even if I can just prevent it from adding a second event listener to the button would work too.
Here is the code
<button id="myId">My Button</button>
function myFunction() {
var el = document.getElementById('myId')
var listenerFn = function () {
console.log('My Message')
el.removeEventListener('click', listenerFn)
el.addEventListener('click', listenerFn)
Any tips would be most helpful.
@FathiAlqadasi answer is the best so far for my issue. But I should of shown more of the code. the listener function is dynamic and can vary on what it does. Here is a another example of what I mean.
<button id="myId">My Button</button>
function myFunctionA() {
var el = document.getElementById('myId')
function myFunctionB() {
if (el.innerHTML === 'My Button') {
var listenerFn = function () {
console.log('My Message 1')
el.removeEventListener('click', listenerFn);
el.addEventListener('click', listenerFn);
else {
var listenerFn = function () {
console.log('My Message 2')
el.removeEventListener('click', listenerFn);
el.addEventListener('click', listenerFn);
Thank you @ for the code. Here is the code in a neat codebox
<button id="myId">My Button</button>
var listenerFn;
function myFunction() {
var el = document.getElementById('myId')
el.removeEventListener('click', listenerFn);
listenerFn = function() {
console.log('My Message')
el.addEventListener('click', listenerFn, false);
In this example, we add and remove the listener in the same function as alternative to prevent redundant listeners.
function callbackFunction() {
console.log('Callback function was called.')
function addRemoveListener() {
let el = document.getElementById('btn-test')
el.removeEventListener('click', callbackFunction)
el.addEventListener('click', callbackFunction)
<button id="btn-test">Button</button>