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Time zone missing from time series

I am in the process of merging two data frames based on date-time, and seem to have run into a snag. The time column in 1 of 2 of the DF's has a timezone stamp:

   "2012-09-28 08:15:00 MDT"

And the other DF time column does not

   #Example 2
   "2012-09-28 08:15:00"

In my program both of these are POSIXct objects, formatted exactly the same ,besides the timezone stamp. When trying to merge based on the Time columns, NA's appear, b/c they are not recognizing each other.

I have narrowed the problem down to the DF missing the Tz. Something strange is going on. When I have the Data for the datetime Column outside the data frame it reads as such

#Code used to make these values
NewTime<-as.POSIXct(TimeDis$datetime, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")

[1] "2017-08-16 00:00:00 MDT" "2017-08-16 00:15:00 MDT"
[3] "2017-08-16 00:30:00 MDT" "2017-08-16 00:45:00 MDT"

Now when I put this into a data frame with data, the "MDT" does not show up

> Discharge_Time
               NewTime DischargeFin
1  2017-08-16 00:00:00     990525.2
2  2017-08-16 00:15:00     990525.2
3  2017-08-16 00:30:00    1000719.2
4  2017-08-16 00:45:00    1000719.2

Even stranger if I call,

"2017-08-16 MDT"

I get the MDT back but now no time....

I have no idea what is going on, but am hoping to find a way for the MDT and all the rest to stick around in that data frame so I can successfully merge it with the other DF, which isn't missing anything

Research Done: How to change a time zone in a data frame?

Changing time zones with POSIXct time series, R


  • So after many attempts to recreate this error I found it to a culprit of the na.locf function of the package zoo. After padding my data on the interval '15 min' with the pad function from padr, I wanted to replace those N/A values with the previous value in the column. This works well except for the fact it gets rid of the TZ in the date-time. And this is where the problem came from. An example is shown below

    #Dates Missing 8:30 for padding
    Dates<-c("2017-08-18 08:00","2017-08-18 08:15","2017-08-18 08:45",
    "2017-08-18 09:00")
    #Example Data
    Df<-data.frame(Dates, Data)
    #Change to POSIXct
    Df$Dates<-as.POSIXct(Df$Dates, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
    #We can see now the Dates have been assigned a Timezone
    [1] "2017-08-18 08:00:00 MDT" "2017-08-18 08:15:00 MDT"
    [3] "2017-08-18 08:45:00 MDT" "2017-08-18 09:00:00 MDT"
    #Now we Pad
    Df<-pad(Df, interval='15 min')
    #TZ is still intact (So it's not padr)
    [1] "2017-08-18 08:00:00 MDT"
    #Here is where the problem lies, in the na.locf function from zoo
    FixDf<-na.locf(Df, option="locf") #replaces N/A with previous value
    [1] "2017-08-18 08:00:00"  #NO TIMEZONE!