I am investigating AspectJ
and its many uses and have discovered mixins
I can find many examples employing pure AspectJ
aspects however I need to use only @AspectJ
What I am trying to achieve is the following:-
I have a class that I cannot amend, it has a private class variable that I need to interrogate after a particular class method has completed execution. This class does not have getter or setter methods associated with this private class variable.
public final class CannotAmend {
private Uri privateUri;
public final void methodOne(){}
public final void methodTwo(){}
public final void methodThree(){
privateUri = "something";
I require an aspect/mixin that can capture @After
and allow me to see the value set in privateUri
Is this possible to achieve?
With @AspectJ
Where can I discover documentation/tutorial/examples of how to achieve this?
Within an aspect you can access the private field using the reflection API.
In the aspect you need two things:
containing logic that's executed after a method matched by the pointcut returns.@Aspect
public class MyAspect {
@Pointcut("execution(* CannotAmend.methodThree(..))")
public void methodThreePointcut(){
public void afterMethod(JoinPoint joinPoint) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
Object instance = joinPoint.getThis();
Field privateUriField = instance.getClass().getDeclaredField("privateUri");
String privateUri = (String) privateUriField.get(instance);
System.out.println(privateUri); // prints "something"
On a side note, using String constants to access a private field is not a clean solution. If sometime in the future the name of the variable changes or if it's removed, the aspect will break.