I've a three layer architecture. On the top layer is my GUI and on the second layer are my Business classes. On the GUI are many checkboxes (+20 items) and a "Start"-button available. If the User click on the button I would like to handover the status of the checkboxes to a business object via constructor.
To pass a List<Checkbox>
is not a suitable way and the solution should be flexible for changes. Additionally I need a possibility to identify the checkbox status on the business-layer. Is there a common possibility to solve this?
Here a example to my question:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
var button = new Button();
button.Name = "StartButton";
button.Text = "Start";
button.Click += new EventHandler(button_Click);
private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var businessObject
= new BusinessClass(/*How to handover the checkbox status*/);
private CheckBox CreateCheckbox(int index)
var checkBox = new CheckBox();
checkBox.Name = "checkBox" + index;
checkBox.Text = "checkBox" + index;
return checkBox;
One way would be is to create a custom Interface and you can have a GetStatus() method inside it.
bool GetStatus();
Then you can create a another class and call it Status which inherits from IStatus and you can pass a list of IStatus inside the constructor, this concept is known as dependency invertion.
Status : IStatus
bool Status {get;set;}
bool GetStatus()
return Status;
Now all you have to do is pass a List into your constructor.This gives you the flexibility to later pass information about any type of control from the UI layer.
BusinessLayer(List<IStatus> statusObjects)
All you have to do is create custom classes which inherit IStatus and pass it, your BusinessLayer logic is never changed.