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@Requestbody is not Getting my JSON object Spring-Boot

I showed my snippet below where I am trying to send json obj as Reuestbody and my controller could not assign the requested value.


        "ReferenceNumber" : "ILT06240123201694516287",
        "B_Code" : 1,


@RequestMapping(value="/GetAccountDetails",method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ResponseEntity<AccountListResponse> GetAccountDetails(@RequestBody @Valid CBSAccountRequest cbsAccountReq
            ,BindingResult result) {
        if(result.hasErrors()) {
            throw new InvalidException("Not Valid",result);
        else {
            AccountListResponse accountListResponse=new AccountListResponse();
            return new ResponseEntity<AccountListResponse>(accountListResponse, HttpStatus.OK); 


public class CBSAccountRequest {

    @Size(min=25,max=25,message="Reference number should have 25 characters")
    private String ReferenceNumber;
    @Digits(integer=1,fraction = 0 )
    private int B_Code;
    @Size(min=5,max=5, message="Invalid Branch Code")
    private String B_Code;
    @Size(min=17,max=17 ,message="Invalid Account Number")
    private String Request;
    //getters and setters

I am getting exceptions because of @Valid.I go through lot of questions related to it and none of them is working for me. I predicted that the issue may happen because of JSON object structure. I also tried with below object which also not working.

    "ReferenceNumber" : "ILT06240123201694516287",
    "B_Code" : 1,


  • It seems to me that you are sending JSON request with a wrong structure. In your JSON the outer "Request" element is redundant. Try to send the following request instead:

      "ReferenceNumber" : "ILT06240123201694516287",
      "B_Code" : 1,

    BTW, as a suggestion. You can use java naming convention for your fields and you will be still able to map names like "B_Code" to them using @JsonProperty annotation:

    String bCode;