I would like to ask how - by Javascript - to change the label innerText
of radio buttons (see code below) while not wiping out the input tag inside. Label innerText here means "Button-Label-X".
I've tried to diagnose the label style via elements of document.getElementsByClassName("radio-label")
, including
then assigned new string value (ex. "Button-Label-Y") to them. However, all those ways lead to the same result: the input disappeared, only new value left. Anyone has any idea here?
<div class="radio">
<label class="radio-label"><input type="radio" name="optradio"> Button-Label-X </label>
Of course, I could do the way around by putting input tag outside of label, then everything is solved. But, for that case, I must set id
for input and "for:id" for label. And it becomes tedious work for the case of 05 buttons instead of 01 one.
If I understand you correctly, you can access to the text part from childNodes
. Once you have it, you can change the text by set the property textContent
to the wanted text.
Like this:
function changeLabelText(label, text) {
var children = label.childNodes;
[].forEach.call(children, function(child) {
if (child.nodeType == 3) {
child.textContent = text;
var label = document.querySelector('label');
changeLabelText(label, 'blabla');
<div class="radio">
<label class="radio-label"><input type="radio" name="optradio"> Button-Label-X </label>