How to set a URL in vanilla JavaScript or with jQuery when I deploy an application in IIS?
In Visual Studio, this URL works (without path):
url: '/street/details/'
But IIS needs this URL:
url: '**/utca**/street/details/'.
I woukd like to modify the URLs in every JavaScript file automatically.
If you're using
then you shouldn't be using any hardcoded paths.
You should be using @Html.Action
or @Url.Action
or equivalents. This allows you to move things at will / per-environment.
If you really must use paths directly, eg in a .js file where you can't use server-side and don't want to go to the hassle of passing the url either as a parameter or as a data-
attribute, the easiest method is to set up a global (or namespaced) variable to your root path, eg place this at the <head>
of your _layout.cshtml
<script type='text/javascript'>
var mynamespace = mynamespace || {};
mynamespace.rootPath = '@Url.Content("~")';
then your script can use this whereever needed, eg:
url: mynamespace.rootPath + 'street/details/',