Is there any way to get the objects in clips in order on LHS side based on a particular slot in class?
(defclass SAMPLE
"all the information about students"
(is-a BASE_SAMPLE) (role concrete) (pattern-match reactive)
(slot ID (create-accessor read-write) (access initialize-only) (propagation inherit) (visibility public) (type INTEGER))
(slot NAME (create-accessor read-write) (access initialize-only) (propagation inherit) (visibility public) (type STRING))
if I have 100 SAMPLE objects, and I want all of them to come in ascending order based on the slot ID on the LHS of a rule, is this poosilbe in clips?
There's two ways you can sort the objects. You can do it on the LHS by adding some additional information to either the objects or a separate fact/instance to retain information on which objects have been processed:
CLIPS> (clear)
(defclass STUDENT
(is-a USER)
(slot id)
(slot full-name)
(slot processed (default no)))
(definstances people
(of STUDENT (id 102) (full-name "Fred Jones"))
(of STUDENT (id 438) (full-name "Sally Smith"))
(of STUDENT (id 391) (full-name "John Farmer")))
(defrule list
?i <- (object (is-a STUDENT)
(id ?id1)
(processed no))
(not (object (is-a STUDENT)
(id ?id2&:(> ?id1 ?id2))
(processed no)))
(modify-instance ?i (processed yes))
(printout t ?id1 " " (send ?i get-full-name) crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
102 Fred Jones
391 John Farmer
438 Sally Smith
Or you can sort the values on the RHS:
CLIPS> (clear)
(defclass STUDENT
(is-a USER)
(slot id)
(slot full-name))
(definstances students
(of STUDENT (id 102) (full-name "Fred Jones"))
(of STUDENT (id 438) (full-name "Sally Smith"))
(of STUDENT (id 391) (full-name "John Farmer")))
(deffunction id-sort (?i1 ?i2)
(> (send ?i1 get-id) (send ?i2 get-id)))
(defrule list
(bind ?instances (find-all-instances ((?i STUDENT)) TRUE))
(bind ?instances (sort id-sort ?instances))
(progn$ (?i ?instances)
(printout t (send ?i get-id) " " (send ?i get-full-name) crlf)))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
102 Fred Jones
391 John Farmer
438 Sally Smith