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Sending commands across VBA

I am writing a script in VBA that creates a drawing in CorelDraw. I am having trouble centering the text. Here is the code that works properly in CorelDraw's Macro editor:

Dim s2 As Object
    Dim Txt As Object
    Dim test As String
    Dim returntest As String
    returntest = "Test~Test1234~Test56~Test789"
    test = Replace(returntest, "~", Chr(13))
    Set s2 = CorelApp.ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(-7.75, (1 - 0.5) / 2, test)
    Set Txt = s2.Text
    Txt.Story.Font = "Swis721 BT"
    Txt.Story.Size = 20
    Txt.Story.LineSpacing = 75
    Txt.Story.Alignment = cdrCenterAlignment
    s2.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 0, 0, 0, 100
    s2.CenterX = s1.CenterX
    s2.CenterY = s1.CenterY

s1 is simply a rectangle that is already defined. The problem is with "cdrCenterAlignment". VBA does not recognize it as a valid argument because it is referencing something that exists only within CorelDraw. I get "cdrCenterAlignment variable not defined" or "type mismatch" if I call it a string. How, if even possible, can I send this command/argument to CorelDraw while still working in Excel?

I ran into similar problems sending the same drawing to AutoCAD but was able to work around it by sending things to the Command line.


  • In your VBA code you can define it yourself:

    Const cdrCenterAlignment = 3