I have an Excel File with Some Columns merged as shown in the Screen Shot,
I want to Sort the TOP Columns in ascending order and their Corresponding values, and then I'll sort the COLUMN1, COLUMN2, Column3
, But Before I want to Sort the TOP Column Headers, For Eg: TOP COLUMN A
should Come first and the Corresponding Sub column
and the values of those Six TOP columns.
Content area I was able to sort, but how will I be able to achieve Sorting for the TOP Cols Headers?
Since, you want to sort data from left to right, you need to set the following property to true.
Please see the following code. It sorts data from left to right by row 3. You can add more levels too.
// Load your Excel file
Workbook wb = new Workbook(dirPath + "sort.xlsx");
// For the first key, we want to sort by assending order
// And we want to sort by row not by column
// using SortLeftToRight property
// Access first worksheet
Worksheet ws = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Specify the range of cells
CellArea ca = CellArea.createCellArea("A1", "I7");
// We want to sort by row 3, since index starts from 0
// So 2 means 3
// Sort the workbook data
wb.getDataSorter().sort(ws.getCells(), ca);
// Save the output Excel file
wb.save(dirPath + "output.xlsx");
Note: I am working as Developer Evangelist at Aspose