I have been experimenting with Unity and a customer Filter
/ FilterProvider
. My concern is that the classes are never disposed. Here is a code example i started with:
public class CustomFilterProvider: IFilterProvider
public IEnumerable<FilterInfo> GetFilters(HttpConfiguration configuration, HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
if (actionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<CustomAuthorizeAttribute>().Any())
var filter = UnityinstanceLocator.GetConfiguredContainer().Resolve<CustomAuthorize>();
yield return new FilterInfo(filter, FilterScope.Global);
public class CustomAuthorizeFilter: IAuthorizationFilter
private readonly IFakeService _fakeService;
public CustomAuthorizeFilter(IFakeService fakeService)
_fakeService = fakeService;
public bool AllowMultiple { get; }
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAuthorizationFilterAsync(HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken,
Func<Task<HttpResponseMessage>> continuation)
...Do Some stuff
public class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : Attribute
My IFakeService
implements IDisposable
. I set this up as a test. My unity registration for the IFakeService
makes use of the HierarchicalLifetimeManager
. I never see it being disposed when it is inside a filter. Injecting the IFakeService
into the controller works as expected.
The startup for the filter provider looks like this (I am using OWIN):
var config = new HttpConfiguration {DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(UnityinstanceLocator.GetConfiguredContainer())};
config.Services.Add(typeof(IFilterProvider), new ComceptFilterProvider());
I suppose I could go old school and wrap my disposable class in a using
statement inside the ExecuteAuthorizationFilterAsync
method and avoid Dependency Injection all together. Is there a better solution to this if I were to stay with Unity?
In WebApi framework filters are cached. So they are singletons and reused across requests. Instance of your CustomAuthorizeFilter
never be disposed during lifetime of application and keeps reference to IFakeService