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Angular4 - No value accessor for form control

I have a custom element :

<div formControlName="surveyType">
  <div *ngFor="let type of surveyTypes"
       [class.selected]="type === selectedType">
    <md-icon>{{ type.icon }}</md-icon>
    <span>{{ type.description }}</span>

When I try to add the formControlName, I get an error message:

ERROR Error: No value accessor for form control with name: 'surveyType'

I tried to add ngDefaultControl without success. It seems it's because there is no input/select... and I dont know what to do.

I would like to bind my click to this formControl in order that when someone clicks on the entire card that would push my 'type' into the formControl. Is it possible?


  • You can use formControlName only on directives which implement ControlValueAccessor.

    Implement the interface

    So, in order to do what you want, you have to create a component which implements ControlValueAccessor, which means implementing the following three functions:

    • writeValue (tells Angular how to write value from model into view)
    • registerOnChange (registers a handler function that is called when the view changes)
    • registerOnTouched (registers a handler to be called when the component receives a touch event, useful for knowing if the component has been focused).

    Register a provider

    Then, you have to tell Angular that this directive is a ControlValueAccessor (interface is not gonna cut it since it is stripped from the code when TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript). You do this by registering a provider.

    The provider should provide NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR and use an existing value. You'll also need a forwardRef here. Note that NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR should be a multi provider.

    For example, if your custom directive is named MyControlComponent, you should add something along the following lines inside the object passed to @Component decorator:

    providers: [
        provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        multi: true,
        useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyControlComponent),


    Your component is ready to be used. With template-driven forms, ngModel binding will now work properly.

    With reactive forms, you can now properly use formControlName and the form control will behave as expected.
