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Excel 2013 - using boolean logical functions

click here for the image of my excel worksheet What is the formula for cell K3 (p=>q) => (p=>~q) . My goal is False, True, True, True. But i don't know the formula for it on excel. i've tried this formula =or(not(OR(NOT(B3);C3);OR(NOT(B3);NOT(C3))) , but it said "you,ve entered too many arguments for this function.


Please only using AND, OR, NOT function.

p=>q is equivalent to ~pvq

p<=>q is equivalent to (p=>q)^(q=>p) is equivalent to (~pvq)^(~qvp)

~ = negation

=> = conditional "if-then"


  • If p is stored in A1 and q is in A2 then the formula in A3 will be
