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Jersey Service and Persistence Layers

I'm am developing a simple Question and Answer service (Jersey JAX-RS). With this service, I've come up with the following resource so far (might increase).

  • GET|POST -------------/questions
  • GET|PUT|DELETE -- /questions/{id}
  • GET|POST ------------ /questions/{id}/answers
  • GET|PUT|DELETE - /questions/{questionId}/answers/{answerId}

This is my resource class with caters all of the above paths.

public class QuestionResource {
    private QuestionService questionService;

    ...<list of questions>

    ...<a new question>

    ...<a question>

    ...<update a question>

    ...<delete a question>

    ...<list of answers>

    ...<a new answer for a question>

    ...<an answer for a question>

    ...<update an answer for a question>

    ...<delete an answer for a question>

This has corresponding service and persistence layers - QuestionService/QuestionServiceImpl and QuestionRepository/QuestionRepositoryImpl. But, I'm bit confused as to which service and reposipotory I should put the methods that would be called to process the request of the last five. Should I put them all also to Question service and repository or to another classess - Answer service and repository?

I'm considering the latter due to Many-To-One relationship of Answer and Question (JPQL NamedQuery - SELECT a FROM Answer a WHERE = :questionId). It would mean that I would have also AnswerService aside from QuestionService in my QuestionResource. Would that be alright.

Please enlighten me. Thank you.


    • In restful APIs everything is a resource and when it comes to relation you consider a main resource and other resources or in another words resource and subresource.

    • In your case the answer is the subresource because your answer resource can't be a main resource without question or in another words which one of your resources depends on the other one. Absolutely your answer depends on question