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C# : Unable to print data as unicode characters from MYSQL database

Hi I have developed a windows application which allows user to save data and see data in tamil font. I installed 'Bamini' font (Tamil font), and set textboxs and datagridview to Bamini font. I am able to save and retrieve data in tamil.

The problem is the tamil data i enter is encoded and saved in database for example: if i enter 'இந்தியா' in textbox and save, it is saved as ",e;j_ah" in mysql db (i have set the column character set as utf8). Due to this when i get the data and try to print it, it is printing ",e;j_ah" instead of 'இந்தியா'.

Can anyone let me know what i am doing wrong here?!

Code that i am using to insert the string:

textBox1 values is 'இந்தியா' (since textbox font is set to 'Bamini' tamil font)

     string insertdata = "INSERT INTO tamil (country) VALUES (@cnt)";
     MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(insertdata,connection);

Database affected as follows:

      tablename: Tamil
      Sno   Country
      1     ,e;j_ah

Table Structure:

          CREATE TABLE `tamil` (                              
            `sno` int(11) auto_increment NOT NULL,                        
            `Description` varchar(50) NOT NULL,                          
            `Country` varchar(50) character set utf8 NOT NULL,                         
            KEY `id_sno` (`sno)                             
          ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ; 


  • After a long list of trials, i finally found an alternative solution to print tamil characters in my printer. Note: Hardware Tech support informed me that many thermal printers wont accept tamil characters that are sent through raw printer helper class.

    So i designed a crsytal report and tried printing, which was immediate success. (My printer is 3inch thermal printer)