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Rendering JSON to HTML

just a quick question to hopefully get pointed in the right direction. I took over for another developer and I'm flying by the seat of my (now ripped LOL!) pants. I have a webpage that has the JSON included and I simply need to render it to HTML. Now for the gory details... I'm building a help page (using Catalyst/Template Toolkit and Dojo). I have succeeded far enough to build the page with the tabs and including the JSON chunk. YAY! for me (Really you have no idea how good I feel for being able to do just THAT!)
This is more of a question of where to go next and any pointers would be appreciated.
Is it best to get dojo to read the JSON and write it out to a div somehow? Any hint as to how I would go about that? When Googling "JSON to HTML" I get plenty of suggestions for third party products and I'm not that greatly familiar with DOJO yet and even less so with AJAX.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated... Janie


  • This page from the Dojo documentation might be helpful. It refers to the library's function dojo.fromJson to convert a string of JSON-formatted text to a JavaScript object. You could then access the properties of the object and insert them with HTML into a div tag.