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JSViews Merge id with string to get unique id

I have an array which I am iterating over using


in the loop, I am creating various elements, one of which I need to generate unique Ids for include one of the variables in the array (Id)

so for example:

<div id="post-123">...

I have tried:

<div data-link="id{post-:Id}">...


div data-link="id{'post-':Id}">...


<div id="post-" data-link="id{merge:Id}">...

however none of these work.

if I omit the string and just use:

<div data-link="id{:Id}">...

it sets the Id just fine. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?


  • These links talk of data-linking to attributes:

    The standard syntax is


    In your case attributeName is id.

    dataPathOrExpression can be any expression, so here you need it to be the Id value concatenated with (preceded by) the string 'post-', so you need to write:

    <div data-link="id{:'post-' + Id}">...

    or, equivalently

    <div data-link='id{:"post-" + Id}'>...

    You don't want to put anything between the { and :. The tag is {: ( - and the only thing you can put between those characters is a converter name such as myCvt, as in: id{myCvt:...}.

    That said, if your Id values are not changing observably, then you don't need to data-link the id and you can instead write:

    <div id="post-{{:Id}}">...

    just as you would if you were rendering the template as a JsRender template, without data binding.