Can closures in the Power Query M language be recursive?
Functions can be recursive. I name a function-query Fibonacci, defined as
(X) =>
Fib = if X <= 1 then 1 else X + Fibonacci(X - 1)
It works fine. But when I try and stand it up within a single query, it loses:
Fib = (X)=> if X <= 1 then 1 else X + Fib(X - 1),
Source = Table.FromRecords({[X=1],[X=2],[X=3],[X=5]}),
UseIntFib = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Fib", each Fib([X]) )
The resulting table is
1 1
2 Error
3 Error
5 Error
with the errors' message being 'Fib not found, did you forget to import a module?'
Is there any other way around this? Or, if I need a recursive function, does it have to be stood up as its own query?
Meta queries -- In M, is a locally defined function like
Fib = (X)=> if X <= 1 then 1 else X + Fib(X - 1)
called a closure, or a lambda expression, or what? I've seen 'em used, just not heard 'em named. So I'm unsure how to search for posts about them.
Is there a good textbook or online source that would teach me all about Power Query closures? My go-to text, M is for (DATA) Monkey, says almost nothing about them. Mostly, I'd just like a whole bunch of examples. I want to know about
If you want to call a function recursively, you need to add a @ as so called "scoping operator", so this code is OK (I just added @ to "Fib" in your code):
Fib = (X)=> if X <= 1 then 1 else X + @Fib(X - 1),
Source = Table.FromRecords({[X=1],[X=2],[X=3],[X=5]}),
UseIntFib = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Fib", each Fib([X]) )
You can find more information in the Power Query Language Specification (October 2016):
(3.3.1 page 28, 6.3 page 58, and last but not least 9.4/9.5 on pages 91/92).