I am using netbeans to make webservices, I want to make composite webservice using PBEL, I face a problem in throwing exception in each service, I define complex Type in the schema of the exception I want to throw, and I make it in WSDL too , but inside the service I don't know how can I throw the exception , Here's the example I am working on :
@WebService(serviceName = "CreditCardService", portName = "CreditCardPort", endpointInterface = "org.netbeans.j2ee.wsdl.creditcard.CreditCardPortType", targetNamespace = "http://j2ee.netbeans.org/wsdl/CreditCard", wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/NewWebServiceFromWSDL/CreditCard.wsdl")
public class NewWebServiceFromWSDL implements CreditCardPortType {
public org.netbeans.xml.schema.creditcard.CreditCardResponseType isCreditCardValid(org.netbeans.xml.schema.creditcard.CreditCardType creditCardInfoReq) throws IsCreditCardValidFault {
List<CreditCardType> creditCards = parseCreditCardsFile();
CreditCardResponseType creditCardResponseElement = new CreditCardResponseType();
for (CreditCardType aCreditCard : creditCards) {
if (creditCardInfoReq.getCreditCardNo() == Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(aCreditCard.getCreditCardNo())) {
return creditCardResponseElement;
throws IsCreditCardValidFault(); //here I want to throw an exception .
Please can Someone help?
throws IsCreditCardValidFault(); //here I want to throw an exception .
needs to be written as
throw new IsCreditCardValidFault();
is used in your declaration of the method, where the throw
keyword is used inside the method to indicate where you will throw the exception.
so as an example
try {
//do something which generates an exception
}catch(Exception e){
throw e;
but in your case, you want to initiate the exception yourself so you have to create a new object of that exception type. You will create the exception yourself, so no need to enclose in a try/catch block.
throw new IsCreditCardValidFault();