According to the Redux docs, normalizing state is the best way to approach data structures on the front end. The example they give is below:
posts : {
byId : {
"post1" : {
id : "post1",
author : "user1",
body : "......",
comments : ["comment1", "comment2"]
"post2" : {
id : "post2",
author : "user2",
body : "......",
comments : ["comment3", "comment4", "comment5"]
allIds : ["post1", "post2"]
comments : {
byId : {
"comment1" : {
id : "comment1",
author : "user2",
comment : ".....",
"comment2" : {
id : "comment2",
author : "user3",
comment : ".....",
"comment5" : {
id : "comment5",
author : "user3",
comment : ".....",
allIds : ["comment1", "comment2", "comment5"]
How would one go about writing reducers in such a way that the id of the post or comments can be dynamically set as the key.
I'm not sure (because the question is not very clear), but I think you want to use computed property names when returning a new object literal from the reducer:
projectsReducers (state={}, action) {
// Ensure that the projectName is actually accessible
if (!action || !action.projectName) {
return state;
// Retrieve the project name dynamically
const projectName = action.projectName;
return {
// Preserve the previous state by spreading all of it's properties
// please note that Object spread is still a Stage 3 proposal for ECMAScript,
// so transpilation might be required
// Assign current project's new state
[projectName]: singleProjectReducer(