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Select All Checkbox with Trigger - jquery

On my SelectAll checkbox and click trigger should work for all input - which has on-click event on it.

trigger working on selectall, but uncheck selectall not working. its didnt uncheck all input

<input type="checkbox" id="SelectAll" />

<input class="checkBoxClass" name="pid[]" id="pid_1" value="1" onclick="javascript: total_select(1,0.35,2700.00);" type="checkbox">

<input class="checkBoxClass" name="pid[]" id="pid_2" value="2" onclick="javascript: total_select(2,0.35,2700.00);" type="checkbox">

<input class="checkBoxClass" name="pid[]" id="pid_3" value="3" onclick="javascript: total_select(3,0.35,2700.00);" type="checkbox">

Below what i have did

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#SelectAll").click(function () {
      $(".checkBoxClass").attr('checked', $(this).attr('checked'));
            if (!$(this).attr("checked")){

Above Jquery working for select-all / UN-select all checkbox - which works if i remove below trigger

 $(document).ready(function () {
           $(".checkBoxClass").attr('checked', true);    // if i remove this line then selectall for checkbox don't works            

but i need above jquery to trigger - total_select function

function total_select(id,carat,price){

  var lenChkBox = $("input[name='pid[]']:checked").length;

      if(document.getElementById("pid_"+id).checked==true) {


          total_select.c +=carat;
          var cs = (total_select.c).toFixed(2);

          total_select.p +=price * carat;
          avg_price_per = total_select.p/total_select.c;
          var ca = (avg_price_per).toFixed(2);


    } else {

            total_select.c -=carat;
            cs = (total_select.c).toFixed(2);

            total_select.p -=price * carat;
            avg_price_per = total_select.p/total_select.c;
            var ca = (avg_price_per).toFixed(2);

i tried many :

   $(".checkBoxClass").attr('checked', true).triggerHandler('click');
   $(".checkBoxClass").prop('checked', true).triggerHandler('click');

but still not working , it do check all input on 'SelectAll' and trigger total_select function with proper result , but when i do un-select/uncheck on 'SelectAll' none of my input get un-select/uncheck


  • I found answer as below, but still any one have any other best solution let me know , thanks

     $(document).ready(function () {
               $(".checkBoxClass").attr('checked', true);  
               $(".checkBoxClass").attr('checked', $(this).attr('checked')); //add this line and working proper - hope will help someone