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Use of undefined constant statement - assumed 'statement'

I try to create a registration form, but there is something wrong that I can not find


    class consultas{
    public function nuevousuario($usuario, $pass, $email, $youtubeurl){
        $modelo = new conexion();
        $conexion = $modelo->get_conexion();
        $sql = "insert into fiver_users (user, pass, email, youtubeurl) values (:usuario, :pass, :email, :youtubeurl)";
        $statement = $conexion->prepare($sql);
        $statement->bindParam(':usuario', $usuario);
        $statement->bindParam(':pass', $pass);
        $statement->bindParam(':email', $email);
        $statement->bindParam(':youtubeurl', $youtubeurl);

        if(!statement){            //Line 14 is this
            return "Error al crear el registro";
            return "Registro creado correctamente";


The error that appears to me is this: img


  • You've missed a $ in front of your statement variable.

        if(!statement){            //Line 14 is this
            return "Error al crear el registro";

    Should be

        if(!$statement){            //Line 14 is this
            return "Error al crear el registro";

    For more information about this one, check Why PHP variables start with a $ sign symbol?