I'm dealing with an ASP.net project that's maintained by a couple of people via git.
We're looking to minify the CSS files at build time and have checked out the bundle and minify addon however this doesn't appear to offer an option for the minified code to be regenerated from the source files at each build.
Is there a better way for us to minify our source css files on each build?
Understanding your question right, you want to concat and minify your css sources and time you build or deploy.
I do not now how your build stack look like, so I can guess only, but using css files I would use something like grunt or gulp.
On my self I prefer gulp. It is easy to create a task which concat, minify or also auto prefix your css files.
Once your task is created you can add it to your build script, task or bash.
This way works also fine with CI like wercker or travis.