Search code examples

How do I add custom text via the input box

I'm using the following code to prompt the user for a variable and add that to each row at the end. For some reason, the number in the last line is the number that fills all the cells. Is there a way to fix this code?

Dim lr As Long    
Dim myRange As Integer

myRange = Application.InputBox("Enter Item Number", Type:=1)

lr = Cells(rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

Range("O2:O" & lr).Value = Format(myRange, "1")


  • You defined your range from O2 to O" & lr.

    Range("O" & lr).Value = Format(myRange, "1")


    Cells(rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = Format(myRange, "1")