I'm looking for a way to publish events from our new NServiceBus 6 endpoint environment to an older v4 endpoint environment. To make matters more interesting, the v6 is using JSON and the v4 is using XML.
I'm using MSMQ as the underlying transport layer.
Potentially the simplest way to move forward is to write a custom serializer definition. The following example assumes the default XmlSerializer and JsonSerializer available in NServiceBus v6 are used.
Write a custom serializer definition
public class CustomJsonSerializer : SerializationDefinition
public override Func<IMessageMapper, IMessageSerializer> Configure(ReadOnlySettings settings)
var xmlSerializerDefinition = new XmlSerializer();
var xmlSerializerFactory = xmlSerializerDefinition.Configure(settings);
var jsonSerializerDefinition = new JsonSerializer();
var jsonSerializerFactory = jsonSerializerDefinition.Configure(settings);
return mapper => new DecoratorSerializer(xmlSerializerFactory(mapper), jsonSerializerFactory(mapper));
Write a serializer decorator that has custom logic to forward message types to the XmlSerializer if they are targetted towards the V4 endpoint.
class DecoratorSerializer : IMessageSerializer
IMessageSerializer xmlSerializer;
IMessageSerializer jsonSerializer;
public DecoratorSerializer(IMessageSerializer xmlSerializer, IMessageSerializer jsonSerializer)
this.xmlSerializer = xmlSerializer;
this.jsonSerializer = jsonSerializer;
public void Serialize(object message, Stream stream)
if (message.GetType() == typeof(MyMessage))
xmlSerializer.Serialize(message, stream);
jsonSerializer.Serialize(message, stream);
public object[] Deserialize(Stream stream, IList<Type> messageTypes = null)
return jsonSerializer.Deserialize(stream, messageTypes);
public string ContentType
get { return jsonSerializer.ContentType; }
use the CustomSerializer like the following
A working sample can be found on this github repo. The sample uses commands but the approach should also work for PubSub. The only caveat is that a specific message type will always use one format. So it is not possible to publish the same event once in Xml and for other publishes in Json.