I am trying to write a small dice notation (e.g. "2d6", where 2
is the count
and 6
is the die size
) parser using the library in elm-tools/parser
An expression should be in the form
[int] "d" int
but I can't figure out to parse the optional leading int
(which will default to 1
if it is missing).
So far, I've come up with this:
import Parser exposing (..)
type alias Roll =
{ count : Int
, size : Int
die : Parser Int
die =
succeed identity
|. keyword "d"
|= int
and I would like the parser to return a Roll
on a successful parse, but I'm not sure how to proceed.
I am guessing that I will need to make use of oneOf
, but I'm not sure how.
Unfortunately, I can't find any good examples of using this library.
Thanks to @Chad's answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/45620875/96233), I got it working with this:
type alias Dice =
{ count : Int
, size : Int
dice : Parser Dice
dice =
succeed Dice
|= count
|. spaces
|. keyword "d"
|. spaces
|= integer
count : Parser Int
count =
[ integer |> andThen succeed
, succeed 1
integer : Parser Int
integer =
keep oneOrMore isDigit
|> andThen
(\s ->
case String.toInt s of
Ok value ->
succeed value
Err err ->
fail err
spaces : Parser ()
spaces =
ignore zeroOrMore (\c -> c == ' ')