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How Can I Transform An Int Into Html

I am writing a small program that handles and displays guitar chords.

But I got stuck: I don't know how to convert an Int value into Html.

My little render function looks like:

renderGuitarString : GuitarString -> Html Msg
renderGuitarString guitarString =
    div [ class "string" ] --here I don't know what to do


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div [] ( renderGuitarString model.guitarStrings)

just for the complete picture, my types and my model:

type alias GuitarString =
{   number : Int
,   frets : List Fret


type alias Fret =
    {   number : Int
    ,   tone : ( String, Int )


type alias Model =
    {   guitarStrings : List GuitarString

I want to transform the Fret number value into real Html.

thanks for help!


  • UPDATE: this will not work in Elm 0.19, use String.fromInt instead

    You use Html.text to display a string, but the problem is that an integer is not a string, so you'll have to use toString. For example:

    renderGuitarStringNum : Int -> Html Msg
    renderGuitarStringNum num =
        text (toString num)