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data.table: feeding list of logical conditions in i

I have to write a long script (call it Script) doing various operations on a data.table, then apply this a few times for different subsets of rows. I would like to be able to do the following:

condition <- "X>10"

... where Script will contain many of the following:

dt[MAGIC(condition), .......]

This would allow me to keep Script and the condition in different files (the second a markdown showing the results only, and which I'd like to be as simple as possible in terms of code).

What I don't want is to copy paste the script for each of the conditions, and manually change it, since this is way too error prone.

I tried lots of combinations of parse, deparse, substitute, quote, as.expression, as.logical, etc. but I seem to be staggering in the dark. I'd be really grateful if somebody could help!

NB: I can easily do the above in dplyr:

df %>% filter_(condition)

and of course I can also turn this back into a data.table

df %>% filter_(condition) %>% data.table()

... but I'd rather work consistently with data.table (faster, prefer the syntax, etc.)


  • We use eval(parse
