I have two files, app.java and test.java They both reside in the same package, and they compile just fine with "javac app.java test.java" Two class files are then created. However, when I go to run them with the command "java app" because app has the main method, I get "Error: Could not find or load main class app"
package working_directory;
public class app {
public app() {
public static void main(String [] args) {
test testing = new test();
This Is the test.java
package working_directory;
public class test {
public test() {
public int calculate(int x) {
return (int) x * x * x;
Make sure to choose the right path for compilation and running code:
+--Folder(start cmd here)
How to compile
D:\Folder\>javac working_directory\*.java
How to run
D:\Folder\>java working_directory.app