I'm not sure whether you can read the flags directly. You would also need to consider different browsers and how the code would affect them.
In the past I've used Modernizr for these kind of feature tests. Modernizr is a Javascript library that allows you to create tests and hide or enable specific parts of your website or webapp based on whether that feature exists.
Quoted from the Modernizr site:
What is Modernizr?
It’s a collection of superfast tests – or “detects” as we like to call them – which run as your web page loads, then you can use the results to tailor the experience to the user.
Why do I need it?
All web developers come up against differences between browsers and devices. That’s largely due to different feature sets: the latest versions of the popular browsers can do some awesome things which older browsers can’t – but we still have to support the older ones.
Modernizr makes it easy to deliver tiered experiences: make use of the latest and greatest features in browsers which support them, without leaving less fortunate users high and dry.