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showing form containing interface as parameter to a constructor WPF

I am trying to show main window after successful login.I used interface as parameter to constructor in main window. Now when I try showing main window, I get an error because I cannot pass interface as parameter to main window.I saw many posts like mine but I thought it is quite different from them.

This is my main window constructor:

public Home_Page(IGetAllItemClass clas)
            _allClass = clas;
        IGetAllItemClass _allClass;

My code in login Window from where I need to show main form:

 Home_Page h = new Home_Page();

My app.xaml:

<Application x:Class="Cafe_WPF.App"
                <ResourceDictionary Source="scroll_style.xaml" />

This is my App.cs :

public partial class App : Application
        void App_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
            #region login_dependencies
            var container = new UnityContainer();
            container.RegisterType<IGetIP, get_ip_address>();
            container.RegisterType<IUserDetails, get_user_details>();
          container.RegisterType<IgetBusinessDetailsFromPosId, get_business_info_from_pos>();
            #region home_page_dependencies
            var home = new UnityContainer();
            container.RegisterType<IGetAllItemClass, get_all_item_class>();
            Home_Page hm = home.Resolve<Home_Page>();
            Login_Window lg = container.Resolve<Login_Window>();

This is my interface:

namespace Cafe_WPF.Interface
  public interface IGetAllItemClass
        DataTable item_class(string business_info_id, string rvc_id);

And my class service implementing interface is:

class get_all_item_class : IGetAllItemClass
    public DataTable item_class(string business_info_id, string rvc_id)
            string sql = //query
            return CafePOS.Library.DataAccessLayer.Instance.ExecuteQuery(sql);

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

I am trying to use dependency injection.May be I am missing something. Can anyone help me on this ? I am stuck on this.


  • You need to pass the dependency with the constructor var home = new HomePage(myDependencyInterface); If you don't have that dependency instantiated within your login page then you have to resolve it with your Unity container first: var myDependencyInterface = container.Resolve<myDependencyInterface>();

    Also as asked in the comments of your question, are you using Prism? Because if so you just need to use NavigateAsync(nameof(HomePage)); and Unity will inject the dependency