I am still pretty new to programming in Delphi and I don't know anything about Java. However, I need to write a program using RAD Studio that can read the amplitude of an audio input. I was unable to find a way to do this in Delphi(That I could afford) but I did find a way using the Android API. The solution looks to be in the MediaRecorder object so I tried to use it with this code.
Form1: TForm1;
RecorderObj: Jobject;
Recorder: JMediaRecorder;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Recorder:= MediaRecorder; // <------- The problem is here.
Recorder.setAudioSource(1); // should set the recording device to the mic
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
Label1.Text:= IntToStr(Recorder.getMaxAmplitude);
It looks to me that this code doesn't work because there is no instance of the object. However, Recorder:= new MediaRecorder() (the way android wants it) doesn't work and neither does Recorder:= MediaRecorder.Create (the way I think Delphi usually wants it) If anyone knows how to get an instance of the object or knows an easier way to get audio amplitude from Delphi/RAD Studio please let me know.
To create a Java class object instance in Delphi, in your case an instance of a class that implements the JMediaRecorder
interface, use the following code:
Recorder := TJMediaRecorder.JavaClass.init;