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groovy error: jars unsigned

I have the following error in my app ONLY when I try to run it as a webstart or applet in griffon:

net.sourceforge.jnlp.LaunchException: Fatal: Initialization Error: Could not initialize application. 
    at net.sourceforge.jnlp.Launcher.createApplication(
    at net.sourceforge.jnlp.Launcher.launchApplication(
    at net.sourceforge.jnlp.Launcher$
Caused by: net.sourceforge.jnlp.LaunchException: Fatal: Application Error: 
  Cannot grant permissions to unsigned jars. 
  Application requested security permissions, but jars are not signed.
    at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.setSecurity(
    at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.<init>(
    at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.getInstance(
    at net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader.getInstance(
    at net.sourceforge.jnlp.Launcher.createApplication(
    ... 2 more

what do I need to put into my code to over ride this (I am in the developing stage and not wanting to deploy just yet)?

I used the command: "griffon run-webstart -clean"

Here is my controller file:

package test1

import griffon.util.GriffonNameUtils as GNU
import griffon.transform.Threading

class Test1Controller {

    def model

    def clear = {
            model.griffonClass.propertyNames.each { name -> model[name] = ''

    def submit = {
            model.griffonClass.propertyNames.collect([]) {
                     name -> "${GNU.getNaturalName(name)} = ${model[name]}"



  • @Steinar gave the correct answer:

    @ironmantis7x: You should include the '@' before the user name when addressing people in the comments. I don't think they will get a notification if you don't. – Steinar Mar 13 '13 at 22:51