I have a scene called places.js and in that I have passed props for a flag I set up. With two scenes cities.js and countries.js, I have no problem passing the props to them individually. However, I have setup these two scenes to be in tabs using react-native-router-flux-tabs. The problem is here, when I navigate to the tabbed scene, the props for flag appear to be saved and rendered only once. I am confused as to why this is happening when passing props to those scenes without including them in a tabbed scene works. My code is below. Any help is appreciated.I know the props pass through at least once because I logged it but why they aren't stored is my question. this is the setup for the tabbed scene in router This is how I am navigating to the tabbed scene while passing props
For performance issues, the Tabs just render once. If you are using RNRFv4 you should use the onEnter and onExit props of your scenes where your navigator is defined.
<Scene key="welcome" tabs swipeEnabled={true} hideNavBar >
initial />
<Scene key="search" component={Search} />
const onNavigate = () => {
// some logic
return true;
const onThis = () => {
// some logic
return true;