I have the following Excel spreadsheet:
1 X-Values Y-Values
2 Year Revenue X-Ø Y-Ø (X-Ø) x (Y-Ø) (X-Ø)^2
3 2012 10 -1.5 -55 82.5 2.25
4 2013 50 -0.5 -15 7.5 0.25
5 2014 80 0.5 15 7.5 0.25
6 2015 120 1.5 55 82.5 2.25
8 2013.5 65 180 5.0
10 Slope: 36.00 (=180/5.0)
11 Y-Intercept: -72,421 (=65 - 36 x 2013.5)
In Area A3:B6 you can see the Year and the corresponding Revenue. Now I want to make a simple trend analysis for it. Therefore, I manually calculated the Regression Line in Area C3:F6 and in Cell B10 (Slope) and Cell B11 (Y-Intercept) which leads to the following formula:
y = 36X - 72,421
Now I want to do the same thing with an Excel chart. First I put the data in Area A3:B6 in a Scatter Chart and I got the following formula for the Regression Line: (Matches exactly the manual calculated formula)
Scatter Chart:
When I put the same data into a Line Chart I get a different formula for the Regression Line:
Line Chart:
Why does the formula from the Line Chart differ from the Scatter Chart and how is it calculated?
On the scatter chart the value of x
is the value for the year, so the values are 2012
, 2013
, 2014
, 2015
On the line chart the values of x
are 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, with the year being the label for the x