I need to change slides when I press button, as I am new to Ionic I am not able to achieve it.
<ion-slides options="options" slider="data.slider" style="border: 1px solid;text-align: center">
<img src="slide1.png">
<img src="slide1.png">
<ion-slides options="options" slider="data.slider" style="background: #fff">
<div class="product-listing-container">
<a class="button" ng-click="changeSlide(0)">Change Slide1</a>
<a class="button" ng-click="changeSlide(1)">Change Slide2</a>
And now I need to change slides as I click on buttons as if I click on change Slide 1 button then slide 1 should change and same for slide 2 as well.
Can anyone help me to sort out the issue?
Thanks in advance :)
You can do it in this way. In your controller:
$scope.$on('$ionicSlides.sliderInitialized', function(event, data){
$scope.slider = data.slider;
$scope.changeSlide = function(slideIndex){
$scope.prevSlide = function(){
$scope.nextSlide = function(){
// you can check some condition if you need to
// if ($scope.slider.activeIndex === 1){ ... }
In your template:
<ion-slides options="options" slider="slider">
<a class="button" ng-click="prevSlide()">Previous slide</a>
<a class="button" ng-click="changeSlide(0)">Change Slide1</a>
<a class="button" ng-click="nextSlide()">Next slide</a>
If you have more than one slider like in your case, then you have to assign a delegate-handle
to each of them:
<ion-slides options="options" delegate-handle="slider1" style="border: 1px solid;text-align: center">
<ion-slides options="options" delegate-handle="slider2" style="border: 1px solid;text-align: center">
Inject $ionicSlideBoxDelegate in your controller, and get the handle to each of the sliders:
$scope.slider1 = $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.$getByHandle('slider1');
$scope.slider2 = $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.$getByHandle('slider2');
And use it then in the methods (note that the $ionicSlideBoxDelegate methods are differents):
$scope.nextSlide = function(){
codepen example with multiple sliders