I need to find a median value of an array of doubles (in Java) without modifying it (so selection is out) or allocating a lot of new memory. I also don't care to find the exact median, but within 10% is fine (so if median splits the sorted array 40%-60% it's fine).
How can I achieve this efficiently?
Taking into account suggestions from rfreak, ILMTitan and Peter I wrote this code:
public static double median(double[] array) {
final int smallArraySize = 5000;
final int bigArraySize = 100000;
if (array.length < smallArraySize + 2) { // small size, so can just sort
double[] arr = array.clone();
return arr[arr.length / 2];
} else if (array.length > bigArraySize) { // large size, don't want to make passes
double[] arr = new double[smallArraySize + 1];
int factor = array.length / arr.length;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
arr[i] = array[i * factor];
return median(arr);
} else { // average size, can sacrifice time for accuracy
final int buckets = 1000;
final double desiredPrecision = .005; // in percent
final int maxNumberOfPasses = 10;
int[] histogram = new int[buckets + 1];
int acceptableMin, acceptableMax;
double min, max, range, scale,
medianMin = -Double.MAX_VALUE, medianMax = Double.MAX_VALUE;
int sum, numbers, bin, neighborhood = (int) (array.length * 2 * desiredPrecision);
for (int r = 0; r < maxNumberOfPasses; r ++) { // enter search for number around median
max = -Double.MAX_VALUE; min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
numbers = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i ++)
if (array[i] > medianMin && array[i] < medianMax) {
if (array[i] > max) max = array[i];
if (array[i] < min) min = array[i];
numbers ++;
if (min == max) return min;
if (numbers <= neighborhood) return (medianMin + medianMax) / 2;
acceptableMin = (int) (numbers * (50d - desiredPrecision) / 100);
acceptableMax = (int) (numbers * (50d + desiredPrecision) / 100);
range = max - min;
scale = range / buckets;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i ++)
histogram[(int) ((array[i] - min) / scale)] ++;
sum = 0;
for (bin = 0; bin <= buckets; bin ++) {
sum += histogram[bin];
if (sum > acceptableMin && sum < acceptableMax)
return ((.5d + bin) * scale) + min;
if (sum > acceptableMax) break; // one bin has too many values
medianMin = ((bin - 1) * scale) + min;
medianMax = (bin * scale) + min;
for (int i = 0; i < histogram.length; i ++)
histogram[i] = 0;
return .5d * medianMin + .5d * medianMax;
Here I take into account the size of the array. If it's small, then just sort and get the true median. If it's very large, sample it and get the median of the samples, and otherwise iteratively bin the values and see if the median can be narrowed down to an acceptable range.
I don't have any problems with this code. If someone sees something wrong with it, please let me know.
Thank you.
Assuming you mean median and not average. Also assuming you are working with fairly large double[], or memory wouldn't be an issue for sorting a copy and performing an exact median. ...
With minimal additional memory overhead you could probably run a O(n) algorithm that would get in the ballpark. I'd try this and see how accurate it is.
Two passes.
First pass find the min and max. Create a set of buckets that represent evenly spaced number ranges between the min and max. Make a second pass and "count" how many numbers fall in each bin. You should then be able to make a reasonable estimate of the median. Using 1000 buckets would only cost 4k if you use int[] to store the buckets. The math should be fast.
The only question is accuracy, and I think you should be able to tune the number of buckets to get in the error range for your data sets.
I'm sure someone with a better math/stats background than I could provide a precise size to get the error range you are looking for.