Search code examples

Show a link based on a condition in angularJS

I'm creating a navigation bar in AngularJS. I am showing and hiding the submenu '' on mouseover and mouseleave respectively on ''.

Now, in my submenu whenever 'child.thirdLevelChildList.length' is more than 5, it should show 5th link as 'View all' and hide all the remaining links. Else, it should show all the links.

For e.g., on mouse hovering 'about abc', under 'Company', I should see only : 'Strategy', 'Mission, Vision, Values', 'Leadership', 'Org chart' & the 5th link as 'view all'.

How do I achieve this? Here's my code:

angular.module('topNavApp', ['ngAnimate']).controller('navCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function($scope, $timeout){
  $scope.pageData = {  
         "pageTitle":"About Abc",

                     "pageTitle":"Mission Vision Values",
                     "pageTitle":"Org Chart",
                     "pageTitle":"Corporate Responsibility",
                     "pageTitle":"Investor Info",
                     "pageTitle":"View All",
                     "pageTitle":"Diversity + Inclusion",
                     "pageTitle":"Giving Back",
                     "pageTitle":"Ideas Community",
                     "pageTitle":"Other Communities",
                     "pageTitle":"View All",
                     "pageTitle":"myloc Transformation",

                     "pageTitle":"Foster City",
                     "pageTitle":"San Francisco",
                     "pageTitle":"Singapore - Singpost",
                     "pageTitle":"Singapore - Robinson Road",
                     "pageTitle":"View All",
               "pageTitle":"Quick Links",
                     "pageTitle":"Copy Centers",
                     "pageTitle":"Floor Maps",
                     "pageTitle":"Food Services",
                     "pageTitle":"View All",
               "pageTitle":"Facilities Help",
                     "pageTitle":"Submit Request",
                     "pageTitle":"View All",
               "pageTitle":"View All",


         "pageTitle":"My HR",


  $scope.showDiv = function(obj){
	  obj.hovering = true;
	}, 500);
  $scope.hideDiv = function(obj){
	  obj.hovering = false;
	 }, 500);
	display: inline-block;
	padding: 10px;
	margin: 10px;

	text-decoration: none;

	color: #AB09AF;

	position: absolute;
	top: 50px;
	height: 400px;
	width: 700px;
	border: 1px solid lightgrey;
	padding: 5px;
	display: flex;
	word-wrap: flex;
	column-count: 4;

	display: inline-block;
	margin-right: 60px;


	color: grey;
	text-decoration: none;

	list-style: none;

	margin-left: -40px;

.second-link > a{
	text-decoration: none;
<script src=""></script>
<nav ng-app="topNavApp" ng-controller="navCtrl" class="nav">
  <div class="nav-center">
	<!--<li ng-repeat="obj in pageData.allChildList" ng-model="parentNav" ng-mouseover="parentNav=true" ng-mouseleave="parentNav=false"> -->
	<div ng-repeat="obj in pageData.allChildList" class="hiding-div" ng-mouseover="showDiv(obj)" ng-mouseleave="hideDiv(obj)" > 
		<a ng-href="{{obj.pagePath}}" class="main-link multiple menu-link">{{obj.pageTitle}}</a>
		<!--<span class="main-link mobile" aria-labelledby="{{obj.pageTitle}}" aria-expanded="false">{{obj.pageTitle}}</span>-->

		<!--<span ng-repeat="child in obj.secondLevelVoList" class="childNav" ng-show="parentNav">--> 
		<div class="farm-links" ng-show="obj.hovering">
		  <!--<a class="prev-link" aria-labelledby="{{obj.pagetitle}}">{{obj.pageTitle}}</a>-->
		  <div ng-repeat="child in obj.secondLevelChildList" class="groups-links">
			<a ng-href="{{child.pagePath}}" class="group-title">{{child.pageTitle}}</a>
			<!--<span class="group-title mobile" aria-expanded="false">{{child.pageTitle}}</span>-->
			<ul ng-repeat="subchild in child.thirdLevelChildList" class="group-links">
			  <li class="second-link">
				<a ng-href="{{subchild.pagePath}}">{{subchild.pageTitle}}</a>


  • I believe what you need is this:

      <ul class="group-links">
        <li class="second-link" ng-repeat="subchild in child.thirdLevelChildList | limitTo:4">
          <a ng-href="{{subchild.pagePath}}">{{subchild.pageTitle}}</a>
          <a href="#" ng-if="child.thirdLevelChildList.length > 4">Show All</a>

    Notes: You had ng-repeat on <ul>. I'm assuming you wanted to repeat the list items, not the list (based on the values in thirdLevelChildList, so I've implemented in that way.

    I use the limitTo to prevent more than 4 items from showing. I use ng-if to only show "Show All" if greater than 4.